Biodiesel is produced from waste plantal oils. In parallel with the examples in the world, the application of biodiesel diesel has its main purpose and contribution to the Turkish economy:
Providing great benefits to human and environmental health by collecting waste plantal oils and turning them into a high value-added product.
Reducing Türkiye's dependence on foreign oil.
By mixing biodiesel containing 11% oxygen in its structure, reducing toxic gases and especially carbon monoxide emissions during combustion in the engine. In addition, due to its very high lubrication feature, it extends the maintenance period of the engine. Diesel fuels mixed with biodiesel with a cetane number of 55-59 provide more efficient combustion in the engine. Due to its very low sulfur level, it also has a positive effect on the environment and human health.
The Project Has Two Major Contributions in terms of Human and Environmental Health.
Recovery of Waste Plantal Oils
By eliminating the damage caused by waste plantal oils to the environment, the pollution of drinking water will be prevented, and the threat to sea creatures will also be eliminated. Namely; used plantal waste oils are the source of 25% of the wastewater pollution. The oil-grease value in restaurant wastewater varies between 100-300 mg/lt. In case of recovery of plantal waste oils, the oil-grease value in the wastewater will be 24-144 mg/lt. When the plantal and animal waste oils, which are not cleaned with the treatment method, are poured into the seas, lakes, and streams, they cause great destruction to all living things, especially fish, due to the pollution of the water and the decrease in oxygen in the water. Within the scope of this project, the recovery of waste oils will contribute to the elimination of this negative effect. 1 liter of waste oil leaves 100,000 liters of water without oxygen. In this respect, with the realization of the project, pollution of 2,500,000 m³ of water will be prevented. Thanks to this project, the damage to the systems of these wastes, which are charged to the treatment systems of the municipalities, will be reduced, and the sewer lines will have a longer life.
Positive Effect of Biodiesel on the Atmosphere
Thanks to its 50,000 tons of biodiesel production capacity, it will contribute to the reduction of CO2 and CO emissions, which have a negative effect on air pollution as a result of the use of fossil fuels. The main source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is fossil fuels. The raw material of biodiesel is plant. Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. As a result of the combustion of biodiesel obtained from plants, carbon dioxide is formed again. The most important advantage of biodiesel is that it neutralizes carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, carbon dioxide recycling takes place in the atmosphere.
Technical Dimensions
Annually 50,000 tons of raw plant oil and waste plantal oil are used as raw materials.
- 50,000 tons of biodiesel is produced in accordance with TS EN 14214 standard.
- 5,000 tons of 99,8% pure glycerine is produced, which can be used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.
- The production facility is in Kocaeli Kartepe district.
Raw Material Supply in Biodiesel Production and Production Process
Raw Material Supply:
Oil sources that can be used in biodiesel production:
- Plant Oils: Sunflower, Soybean, Rapeseed, Safflower, Cotton, Palm Oils
- Waste Plantal Oils: Used Cooking Oils,
The biodiesel production process includes the following stages:
After neutralizing the raw oil, biodiesel is obtained from plant oils by transesterification reaction (alcoholysis). In the transesterification reaction, the oil is esterified with monohydric alcohol (ethanol, methanol), in the presence of a catalyst (acidic, basic catalysts, and enzymes), giving fatty acid esters and glycerine as the main products. In addition, di- and monoglycerides, excess reactants, and free fatty acids are formed as by-products in the esterification reaction. Esterification technology is used in the production of biodiesel. In addition, high purity glycerin is produced. The chemical industry has known about ester production since 1853; The important thing is to produce a product that conforms to the engine biofuel standard quality.
Biodiesel production facility sections;
Raw Oil Neutralization
- Basic and/or Acidic Esterification Method
- Biodiesel Purification
- Glycerin Purification
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In cases where soil analysis cannot be made under dry conditions in safflower production: 15 kg 20.20.0 Composite fertilizer and 5 kg Urea fertilizer are given together. In irrigated conditions, these fertilizers are increased by 50% to 100% according to the condition of the fields, according to the crop planted in the previous year. Fertilizer is given with planting. Since the safflower plant grows in a short period of 3.5-4 months, in dry conditions, all of the fertilizer is given at the time of planting or just before planting. In irrigated conditions, it is appropriate to give nitrogenous fertilizer with planting and during the bolting period. Fertilization: Safflower production should be done with care like other plants, nutrient substances and water should be given on time according to need. According to the soil analysis, 5-8 kg of pure nitrogen, 5-6 kg of phosphorus and, if needed, potassium are mixed with the soil before planting or with planting. Other fertilizers should be given by direct planting, and urea should be applied without contacting the seed.
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Weed Control: Safflower develops very poorly in the first 3-4 weeks after field emergence. In this period, it cannot compete with the weed and suffers from growth retardation. For this reason, mechanical methods or herbicides/pesticides should be used to fight against weeds, even if direct planting is done in the first period. Some of the herbicides that can be used for this are Trifluralin, Metolachlor, EPTC, Barban, Profluralin, and Paraquat. Giving urea fertilizer together with the pesticides will accelerate the development of the plant during the bolting period of the safflower, which is categorized as a weed.
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Insect control: Harmful insects should be combated at every stage of development by using insecticide-pesticide. Pesticides involving Emamectin benzoate and dentis (among others) can be used for this.
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Alteration: Safflower is never planted on top of each other, and it is not alternated with plants such as sunflower, mustard, rapeseed (canola) to prevent soil diseases. In order to reduce the fallow rate, it can be a triple alternation of wheat-safflower-fallow or wheat-safflower-macarf. According to the 4 alternations, the following application can be made.
PRODUCT | 1st Year | 2nd Year | 3rd Year | +th Year |
SAFFLOWER | Wheat | Vetch | Safflower | Vetch |
WHEAT | Wheat | Vetch | Safflower | Fallow |
FIG | Wheat | Safflower | Fallow | Wheat |
FALLOW | Wheat | Fallow | Safflower | Vetch |
On the other hand, the idea that safflower planting consumes soil water in the following year is not true. Each plant makes its water consumption in its own production year. The reason for the difficulty in plowing after the safflower harvest is the dry summer season. If there is drought in the years when safflower is not planted, it is still difficult to plow.
Harvest Techniques: The period when a large part of the leaves are completely dry (brown), the flower and sepals turn brown and can be easily blended by hand and the grains turn completely white, is a sign that the harvest time has come and this period usually coincides with about 4-5 weeks after flowering. Combine harvesters used in grain harvesting are also used in safflower harvesting, but it is recommended that the cabinet speed of the combine be 25% higher than the travel speed. Since plant residues are very thin, it would be appropriate to clean the filter and other parts frequently. If the harvest is early, the humidity will be high, if it is late, the seed will shed. Grain moisture should be 8% in storage. After the flower (pollen) harvest is dried, it is done by hand-picking before the grain. In order for the harvested product to be stored safely and for a long time without any problems, the grain moisture must be 8% or less.
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Seed Varieties
Seeds and Varieties: There are Yenice, Dinçer, Remzibey, Balcı and Linas varieties certified in our country as domestic seeds, and there is winter Ayaz variety with production permission.
BRISTLINESS | Thornless | Thornless | Thorny | Thorny | Less Thorny |
Thorny |
FLOWER COLOR | Red | Turuncu | Yellow | Yellow | Red | Yellow - Orange |
PLANT LENGTH (cm) | 100-120 | 90-110 | 55-70 | 60-80 | 100-120 | 85-90 |
White | White |
Cream | White |
White |
Cream |
The grain color of each six cultivars is white and the 1000 grain weight of the seeds do not differ much, but the oil rate of the spiny cultivar is higher than the others. It is sufficient for our producers to apply to our company in order to obtain seeds.
Its pulp is an important feed source for livestock. It contains 22-24% crude protein in the pulp remaining after the oil is removed from the seed. Since its pulp contains around 6-7% oil, it increases the energy value of the feed it is mixed with. In addition, it has been determined that it increases milk yield in dairy animals.
Contract Production
Within the framework of the Regulation on Contract Production Procedures and Principles published in the Official Gazette dated April 26, 2008, and numbered 26858 by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock;
Our company, which produces safflower on a contractual basis, signs a contract with producers all over the country, and safflower farming is carried out with a product purchase guarantee.
In order to benefit from the contract production support, the following conditions must be fulfilled.
- The first contract must have a CKS record of the agricultural lands to be made.
- In the 2nd contract to be made, there is an obligation to use trading criteria, Measure of quality advance and input assistance, Technical staff/Consultant.
- 3rd Agricultural Insurance and the delivery conditions of the product must be clearly stated.
Within the framework of contract production, our technical team provides support to our farmers between the production and harvest periods.
The entire cost of the product is paid in advance by our company. Producers who want to plant safflower under contract can reach our company at [email protected] or by calling 0 216 3943389.
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Since 2005, safflower has been included in the scope of support by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the kg support continues to increase every year. Product support in 2006 was paid as 22 YKRŞ per kg. Support of Government
Support amounts for safflower for 2013-2014 season according to basins;
- Fertilizer support 7tl/decare
- Diesel support 7tl/decare
- Contract support 10tl/decare
- Certified seed support 4tl/decare
- Product support 0.45tl/kg
Continues as accordingly.